Beautiful red fish wallpaper

beautiful red fish wallpaper

beautiful red fish wallpaper
 I caught this beautiful snapper off the coast of Madagascar. I'm anxious to know more about it!
Phillippe Pletincx

What you have there,  Phillippe is a great example of one of the more distinctive tropical snappers: the blood-red, or hump head snapper (Lutjanussanguineus). This species occurs only along the west coast of  Africa from Natal,  South  Africa, north to the Red  Sea, including the waters around Madagascar. Adult blood-red snapper frequent rocky and coral-reef areas to depths of around 300 feet during the day. These fish have been observed by some anglers to prefer slightly silty bottoms, where they forage for crustaceans and mollusks, mainly at night and often in relatively shallow water (25 to 40 feet). Juvenile blood-red snapper is relatively colorful, with a broad brown bar stretching from
the upper jaw to the dorsal fin and a series of reddish lines along their sides. Adults, such as your fish, however, tend to move to deeper water, where they lose the stripes and become a uniform light to dark blood-red color.  They’re reported to grow to around 40 inches (1 meter) in length and up to 50 pounds and have been aged to at least 13 years. Like many tropical snappers, their growth rate is initially fast but then slows markedly at around 2 feet in length once they mature, when they are three to four years old. No one has yet submitted this species to the International  Game Fish  Association for a record; yours could have been the first all-tackle world record for L. sanguine! —Ben Diggles
I DREAM-A SALEMA - beautiful red fish wallpaper
A couple of summers ago, I caught this on a sabiki off La Jolla (Southern California) while fishing for mackerel for bait. I hadn’t seen one before, after catching bait here for 17 years.


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