Fishing trips in Sydney Australia

Fishing trips in Sydney Australia

Fishing trips in Sydney Australia
Located about 5 miles south of the city center, the north-south  runways of Sydney’s airport 
extend for most or all of their length into Botany Bay.  Australia’s busiest airport handled nearly 43
million passengers in 2017.
While  Botany Bay, in the shadow of Sydney, has a great deal of fine sports fishing (and has been a “Recreational Fishing  Haven” since 2002, a  government designation meaning all commercial fishing is banned), some of the very best spots are right along the airport’s runways. I fished there many,  many years ago with Capt. Scott Lyons, who fishes the bay year-round (but more so in summer  —  December through February), and has for  20  years.  He offers this rundown  of  fish targeted here: kingfish (aka southern yellowtail) and other trevallies, bream (a  type of porgy), tailor (aka bluefish in the United  States),  flathead  (think  giant  lizardfish) 
and Australian salmon.
“Trevally is my bread-and-butter in the bay; right along the end of the runways is a prime location. I fish here often,  as do many other  anglers.” California globe-trotting angler Wozniak, who has fished around the world, 
including here on many occasions,  reveals as one of the area’s best spots for popular flathead the end of one of the runways. Wozniak also cites “an amazing variety” in these waters for those fishing small soft plastics.
A series of yellow markers in the bay around runways designates a security zone. Boaters need to heed those markers, Lyons advises.  He  admits he has had “the odd run-in” with airport security over the years when “tailor and salm
on were schooling really tight to the runway."


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